Projects: Commercial Buildings

Commercial structures come in all shapes and sizes, and they are utilized for hundreds of different functions. Often times the size and use of the building can dictate the type of construction that is the most cost efficient and best meets your needs.

Meigs Building Specialist works with many different construction techniques, from Post Frame to Steel Frame, from stick built to masonry. Often times the best solution to your project may be a hybrid of several of these construction types. While many builders are locked into one specific style of construction, at Meigs we have the flexibility and capability to mix and match styles when it creates an advantage for our customers, after all, our goal is to get you the most economical, functional and attractive building possible.

Our staff also has extensive experience using different roofing and siding materials to create an attractive building without breaking your budget. It may be a simple combination of colors (see our color selector), a stone wainscot or a timber gable frame we will work with you and give you options to achieve the look you desire.

Please visit our "Color Selector" to experiment with different color combinations available for your building.


"...building from foundation to rafters, energy effecient homes...I appreciate what you are doing"—M.H. Kraemer, Solar Energy Consultant
"I attended the open house for your Energy Advantage Home... appreciated hearing and observing exactly how you build--from foundation to rafters--energy efficient homes. It is rare for a builder to showcase this process... even rarer to see the air sealing and level of insulation--a major source of heating and cooling loss. For these reasons, I so appreciate what you are doing."